Panchakarma in Ayur Soukhya

Panchakarma, the ancient and recognized therapeutic procedure is Ayurveda answer to all chronic diseases. Panchakarma means “five therapies”. These five cleansing therapies are intended to eliminate all kinds of toxins from the human body which are causing diseases. These are named as Vamanam, Virechanam, Nasyam, Vasti and Raktamokshanam. Panchakarma therapy eradicates the diseases and leaves no chance for relapse. It is a powerful therapy that provides a unique opportunity for the body systems to repair and rejuvenate.

For an easy elimination of the incresed Doshas, preliminary therapies (Purvakarmas) are administered during each and every process. These are mainly: oleation (Snehana) and fomentation (Swedana) therapies. Oleation makes the body unctuous and improves the flow of Doshas by liquefying them. There are different types of oleations done as per the conditions. Fomentation removes the obstruction in the channels, stiffness, heaviness and melts the toxins (Ama). It disintegrates them and canalizes them to the main digestive tract (Koshta). There are also several methods of fomentation. When Purvakarma is completed, the practitioner administers Panchakarma.

  • Vamana (Emesis therapy)

    Vamana is medically induced emesis which removes the excess aggravated Kapha and Kaphaja aama from the body. Vamana is one of the least understood ayurvedic elimination therapies. At the beginning of the therapy, the body is being very precisely prepared with internal lubrications (Snehapana) and fomentations in order to lubricate, collect and liquefy the excess Kapha, and to avoid possible complications. This treatment is very effective in case of, insanity,chronic allergy, chronic indigestion, vitiligo, obesity, eczemas, psoriasis, psychological disorders and many respiratory complaints.

  • Virechana (Purgation)

    Virechana is a therapeutically induced purgation which removes excess Pitta and Paithika-ama from the body, which is mainly accumulated in the liver, spleen, small intestine and blood. Before inducing purgation, the patient is being prepared for few days with internal and external oleation and sudation, and when we identifies the toxins are being separated from the deeper tissues and already being driven back into the digestive tract through sudation, then induces Virechana. It is very helpful in treating all Pitta disorders, skin and blood disorders like vataraktha, kushta, malabsorption syndrome, ascites, urticaria, peptic ulcers, chronic headaches, acne, hyper acidity,

  • Snehavasthi

    Medicated oil or ghee is induced in to the colon through enema to lubricate the body. It is used to treat degenerarive disorders as nourishing therapy and is mostly used for the preparation of Kashayavasti.

  • Kashayavasti

    This treatment is said as Ardha Chikitsa which means the main treatment method for many chronic diseases. In this treatment, an invreased amount of less than 1200ml medicated fluids including kashayam, oil, salt, honey and medicated paste are induced in to the colon for purifying the entire body thorough a colon clensing. When Vasthi is applied in conjunction with preliminary procedures, it cleans far more than just the colon as it purifies the whole body. In fact, the whole body can be cured and nourished through the colon. This treatment is highly beneficial in case of chronic degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, arthrosis; hemiplegia and paraplegia , convalescence, parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, back pains, sciatica, sensory dysfunction, infertility, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, impotency, chronic constipation and for many neuromuscular diseases.

  • Nasya (Nasal administration of medicines)

    Nasya is nourishing as well as purification therapy done through the nostrils. The excess Doshas accumulated in the head, throat, nose and sinus region are removed through this treatment. As the life force enters through the nostrils and controls the functions of cerebrum, sensory and motor functions of the body, the drugs administered through them reach all over the head including throat, collect the excess Doshas and expel them through the mouth. After the necessary preparation, medicated oil, ghee, herbal powders or fresh herbal juices are instilled into the nostrils to relieve excess Doshas. It is highly effective in case of trigeminal neuralgia , Bells palsy, cervical spondylitis; nasal polyp, epilepsy, paralysis, migraine, tinnitus, enlargement of salivary glands, brain tumours, rhinitis and headaches of various origins.

  • Raktamokshana (blood letting therapy)

    Although Rakthamokshana is the most limited of the five major cleansing procedures, it provides a rapid and sometimes dramatic reduction of symptoms in certain acute disorders, especially where time is a critical factor. There are many methods of Raktha mokshana, but the most commonly used two methods are those using non-poisonous leeches and Venipuncture. This treatment is very useful in case of chronic migraine, unhealing wounds; leukoderma, chronic itching, oozing eczema and varicose veins.